User Experience strategies & tools driving value for businesses

Rysen has been delivering award-winning digital solutions to Australian and international businesses for over 12 years. User experience strategies and tools are a key part of Rysen's methodology. Three tools in particular have helped add significant value to projects and clients. These UX tools are Empathy Maps, User Journey Maps and MVP Maps.

Empathy Map

An empathy map is a collaborative empathy tool used to gain deeper insight into customers and target audiences. It maps what the customer is 'seeing', 'hearing', 'thinking & feeling', their pains and their gains.

  • Helps you to step into the shoes of your customer and see and experience the world from their perspective.
  • Creates a collaborative stakeholder centric discussion.
  • Uncovers areas for improvement that enhance the user experience.

User Journey Map

A user journey map is a collaborative strategic tool that helps to visualise the process a user goes through to achieve a specific goal. It maps the customer's 'activities', 'emotions', 'pain points' and 'opportunities'.

  • Helps visualise the steps and flow of the user's journey.
  • Identifies potential holes in the journey and new opportunities to delight users.
  • Craft and personalise the experience you would like your customers to have with your brand.


A 'minimum viable product' map is a collaborative planning tool used to define a minimal but viable set of features that delivers value to a customer. It's a two-dimensional map that prioritises features across the vision of the project.

  • Identifies the 'minimum viable product' - the smallest set of features that delivers customer value.
  • Improves upon the traditional onedimensional list of features ordered according to business value.
  • Helps plan out the phases of the project.

Want to chat or start a UX project?

Case Study

“Creating a gravitational customer experience is paramount to Mortgage House. Rysen has been an exceptional partner in helping to deliver this experience. Starting with revolutionising our website, we are extending this ethos with Rysen across all aspects of our business to ensure that we continue to be the envy of our competitors."

Ken Sayer CEO, Mortgage House

  • 57.3%

    Increase in conversion rate
  • 168%

    Increase in user session time
  • 23.61%

    Decrease in website bounce rate

About Rysen

Established in 2006, Rysen is an award-winning digital agency specialising in user experience, strategic design and development of websites, e-commerce, apps, social and digital marketing solutions.

  • King Living
  • Mortgage House
  • Radio Rentals
  • Hype
  • OPSM
  • Bing Lee
  • Macquarie Telecom Group
  • Fantastic Furniture
  • Foxsymes
  • Marina Bay Sands
  • Centennial Parklands
  • Masters
  • Click Frenzy
  • Hypoxi
  • Bendon

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