Responsive eDM Template
King Living were looking for an agency to not only improve their email marketing click throughs, but also to create easy to use templates which could be internally managed to generate unique responsive eDMs depending on the campaign. Rysen became that agency.

King Living were hitting a plateau when it came to their email marketing strategy and delivery. The email templates being used were quickly becoming outdated and repetitive. Rysen were challenged to create a number of templates for King which could be used interchangeably to create ‘new looking’ eDMs for each campaign. Part of the challenge was to update the overall look and feel to increase click throughs and further increase customer perception of the premium King Living brand.
After an in-depth research process, we provided detailed recommendations to King outlining our proposed direction for the new eDM templates. The recommendations took in to account best practice strategy for email marketing as well as recommendations for the new look and feel.
We looked closely at King’s existing analytics and customer engagement and determined that the majority of viewers were engaging with the eDMs on their mobile devices. This resulted in us deciding to implement a mobile first strategy. We created wireframes and designs for each template at mobile width first and then adapted to be optimised for desktop.
King now have a number of responsive eDM templates which can be easily managed internally. The King team are able to use modules from the different templates to generate a unique looking eDM which meets their requirements for a particular campaign.
Each module was designed and developed to work seamlessly and interchangeably with one another meaning that King could create different looking eDMs whenever they needed to with significant ease.
Since the launch of the new eDMs, King have seen an increase in positive customer feedback and engagement.